HIV & TB Community network

Accessible and quality health services for the key populations for HIV and TB in the SEE region.

Establishment of the Regional South-Eastern-Europe Community network for HIV and TB



Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia

Start date



To ensure accessible and quality health services for the key populations for HIV and TB in the SEE region.

In the first phase Partnerships in Health (PH) will lead establishment of the regional SEE community network for HIV and TB (SEE HIV&TB RCN).  After the legal registration / establishment PH will invite leading, experienced CSOs from nine countries of the region to join the assembly of the regional network.  Apart of participation in the decision making, those nine CSO leaders will serve as mentors to the grassroots CSOs from the KAPs from each country.  The community network is keen to reach to the grassroots groups, regardless of their legal status, capacity or experience in implementation of projects. To reach out to the grassroots CSOs from the KAP populations in HIV and TB domain, the network will publish a public call in local media in all countries and via CCMs.  The community network will aim to include formal and informal groups, the key requirement is that those are groups coming from the affected populations interested to advocate for the HIV and TB response in their respective countries.  Immediately upon identification of the community organizations, those organizations will be paired with experienced, leading CSOs in their respective countries to initiate the capacity building process. Also, at this stage the regional community network will organize its first meeting, where the operating procedures will be agreed and adopted.  Also, PH will draft a capacity building plan, which will be considered and agreed upon by the assembly.  The capacity building plan will be composed of two main components:  building advocacy capacity and basic management capacity necessary to obtain the legal status and be able to manage the organization.  The emphasis will be placed over the advocacy capacity which is critically needed for the role of the advocate for the HIV and TB. After this, establishment stage, in the second phase, the community network will review and develop an overview of burning priorities in each country and define the advocacy priorities nationally and regionally.  The national members of the regional network will work on identification of the advocacy priorities in their respective countries. Depending on the defined national and regional priorities, the community network will develop an advocacy plan for next three years with defined annual targets and initiate dissemination of the small grants for the national advocacy initiatives.  Experienced CSOs and grassroots community groups will jointly implement the advocacy actions, which will start in second phase of the program.  The community network will review a progress made at its annual meeting.  Meanwhile PH will oversee, coordinate and technically support implementation of the advocacy actions and periodically provide progress updates to all members of the community network.   The third phase of the program will focus on two main priorities; advocating for better response to the HIV and TB in countries of the region and further development of the SEE HIV&TB regional community network.  These will be achieved by review of the progress in advocacy, review of the priorities for advocacy and challenges of the KAP populations in the region and update of the advocacy plan/s for the countries and the region.  The aim of continuous monitoring and advocacy is to ensure that KAPs, like other citizen of the countries of the region, do have access to the quality health care services which are their human right. In parallel, the community network will work on expansion of its membership, establishment and building of partnerships with the other regional networks and Regional SEE CCM and potential donors. The community network will aim to establish partnerships and improve inclusion of the KAPs in different networks present in the EECA region.  

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Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo* i Albanija nalaze se na listi država u kojima se ne preporučuje razboljeti jer je prema navodima International SOS-a u njima loša medicinska skrb, postoji mogućnost zaraze i infekcije, a nezadovoljavajuća je i zdravstvena infrastruktura.
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